Two Things To Do Every Monday to Break Out Financially…

Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals… Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.

That’s Jim Rohn writing about success.

Rohn left this world back in 2009. But in his time he was considered a leading authority on personal development and business success. His books and programs reached millions of people around the world.

As Rohn so eloquently points out, success doesn’t come from luck. It comes from consistency.

To be successful in any endeavor, one needs to first develop the good habits that will bring success about… And then stick with those habits day after day after day.

And here’s the thing – those habits don’t need to be major undertakings. In fact, they shouldn’t be. Instead, success habits should be small and hardly noticeable.

That’s because it’s very easy to stick with habits that are simple. And there’s a cumulative effect that goes unseen when we apply good habits consistently.

This is the secret of success. It comes from doing little things over and over again.

To that end, I do two little things every Monday morning to improve my financial situation.

First, I buy $100 worth of Bitcoin. That’s regardless of whatever the price happens to be.

Then I go into my crowdlending portfolio and I purchase $100 worth of new notes. This boosts my passive income ever so slightly.

I do both of these things every Monday before I start my work day. I’ve done so for a long time now.

I add to my Bitcoin stash every week because I see it as sound money that’s more scarce than gold. And as the world awakens to the importance of sound money, Bitcoin’s dollar price will rise significantly.

In fact, I fully expect to see Bitcoin trading north of $100,000 within the next 24 to 36 months.

On the crowdlending side, I add to my portfolio every week because it’s a quick and easy way to build a nest egg that compounds over time. I’ve been able to generate returns over 9% consistently with this strategy.

We’ll talk more about both Bitcoin and crowdlending later this week.

But what I want to emphasize today is this – no single $100 purchase has much of an impact on my overall financial situation.

In other words, I do these two things every week even though that particular action alone doesn’t move the needle in any tangible way.

That’s why I thought very seriously about ending these habits on multiple occasions in the early days. After all, if we’re doing something that doesn’t produce a noticeable impact, why continue?

It’s all about the cumulative effect.

If we purchase $100 worth of Bitcoin every week for years, we’re going to end up with a material stash. There’s no way to quantify this accurately simply because the price is constantly fluctuating.

But if we stick with this habit, we’ll end up adding tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars to our net worth over time. And the best part is, this worth will be denominated in bitcoins, not dollars.

On the crowdlending side, it’s much easier to quantify the compounding effect.

My approach to risk assessment has been able to generate a 9.2% return on my crowdlending portfolio thus far. Assuming that rate of return, $100 a week will turn into $5,576 after the first year.

From there, the portfolio will grow to $11,578 in two years. And if we keep at it for five years, we’ll have a nest egg of $33,266. And then the portfolio will throw off about $600 a month in passive income.

There’s nothing eye-popping about these numbers. But they come simply from making small $100 investments every single week. They take no more than fifteen minutes to do.

So this is my Monday morning routine. It’s like clockwork to me.

Pair these two simple habits with a more extensive wealth strategy and we’ll be on the fast track to financial independence.

And in the spirit of financial independence, I’d like to try something completely new today.

We are packaging our Finance for Freedom program and our course on The Income Snowball Strategy into a single bundle. We’re calling it The Financial Consistency Bundle. This will enable people to try out both courses for the price of one.

So if my two Monday morning habits strike you as worthwhile, these two courses will lay out exactly how I go about doing both.

Finance for Freedom discusses the best practices around buying and storing Bitcoin… and a whole lot more. It also spells out the hidden secrets of money and asset allocation in full.

And The Income Snowball Strategy will convey my approach to risk assessment when it comes to crowdlending. Proper risk assessment is critical to generating high returns.

But here’s the thing – we’ve never bundled these two programs together before. So we’re going to make the bundle available for this week only.

If you’re interested, you can get more information right here:

The Financial Consistency Bundle

But please don’t delay. We’ll shut down the offer on Saturday, April 29th at midnight Eastern.

-Joe Withrow