The world’s moving fast – let’s catch up

Dear friends,

Hello and happy Monday to you!

Joe Withrow here. It’s been quite a while since I’ve written you. Nearly six months, in fact.

A lot has happened over these past six months. It seems like everything in the world of money and markets is moving faster than ever before.

So with your permission, I would like to start writing to you weekly once again.

If that’s okay – stay tuned! But if you would prefer to opt out of these emails, you can simply unsubscribe using the button below. No worries…

I’m reaching out today because we’ve been having some robust discussions inside the Phoenician League investment membership. We’ve been plugged into what’s playing out on the macroeconomic front these past few months… and it occurred to me that I should share some of these thoughts more widely. Actually, it was Tom Woods who kicked me into gear, so to speak.

For those who know ol’ Woods, Tom hosts weekly calls as part of his entrepreneur mastermind program. He mentioned to us on a call last week that hardly anybody “in our circle” maintains a mailing list these days.

Tom mails his list daily. And he named two other people who do the same… and that’s about it.

Ironically, it used to be that mailing lists were the only way for people of like-mind to connect back before the internet.

That’s how guys like the late Dr. Gary North got their start—by sending physical newsletters to people in the mail. That was the only way to communicate “alternative” ideas about economics and politics back then.

That practice gave rise to the entire financial newsletter industry. I suspect it’s the only thing that kept gold bugs and proponents of Austrian economics sane prior to the internet.

So I would like to do my part in carrying on that old tradition going forward… if you’ll have me. Our topic this week: the Fed’s rate cut – what it means and what it doesn’t mean.

More tomorrow…

-Joe Withrow

P.S. The financial war that I detailed in my book Beyond the Nest Egg is coming to a head right now. I believe the series of events that occur over the next six months or so will determine the course of the next decade. That’s how fast everything is moving.

I view everything happening on the macroeconomic stage through this lens. If you’d like to get up to speed on the covert financial war (including who the major players are), you can get Beyond the Nest Egg on Amazon right here: