submitted by jwithrow.
October 5, 2014
Hot Springs, VA
This will be my first journal entry in this segment I am calling “Journal of a Wayward Philosopher”. I intend to post an entry periodically throughout each week going forward.
I got the title for this segment by asking my wife to describe me in one word. She immediately said “philosopher”. I then asked her to describe me using an adjective. She said “introverted”… I remained silent. Then she said “honest”… I still remained silent. Then she said “non-confrontational”… and I continued to remain silent. Then she said “strong-willed” and I thanked her for her help and decided to use “wayward” as my adjective.
What I hope to offer through these journal entries is a unique perspective on life, finance, economics, and philosophy in general as seen through my rugged individualist lens.
Please make no mistake about it: I am under no illusion of importance. I have no more intelligence or wisdom than the next guy and I am fully aware of my own ignorance.
I am also fiercely private and I have no desire whatsoever to talk about myself. And by private I mean that I am sometimes taken aback when asked about what I did last weekend. “None of your business” is often the first thought that comes to mind. But then I regain my composure, smile, and say I cut grass last weekend.
I have found this to be the perfect response to all conversations that begin with “What did you do last weekend?”. Why? Because people usually ask this question specifically so they can pass judgment on your response. Maybe it’s subconscious most of the time, but that’s what people are really doing when they ask you this question.
So I tell them I cut the grass. Cutting the grass is seen as “productive” (a term that has become a misused cliche, by the way) and it is completely uninteresting so it lends itself to no follow-up questions. Truthfully, I was much more likely to be sipping a glass of whiskey by the fireplace last weekend than cutting the grass – especially if we are in the month of November. But sipping whiskey lends itself to judgment AND follow-up questions so best just to cut grass year-round.
The point is I really don’t care much for talking about myself. I find it to be very uncomfortable.
So why publish a journal? Well, because I know you will read it. And I know that if you read my journal then you are much more likely to buy my book. After all, isn’t that what philosophizing is all about – selling books? Either way, I am grateful for your readership and I welcome all questions, comments, and feedback.
Joe Withrow
Wayward Philosopher