Bulletproof Money Management: Employing Expert Asset Allocation

This one-hour long program focuses exclusively on how to manage money like the pro’s utilizing a customized asset allocation model and expert risk management tools.

Why Bulletproof Money Management:

Tired of the same old “personal finance for dummies” advice? Fed up with high-fees, low-return mutual funds? Are you ready to build a customized asset portfolio like the experts? Bulletproof Money Management: Employing Expert Asset Allocation is your solution!

The average person today completes twelve-to-sixteen years worth of formal education and graduates with no useful information regarding personal finance or money management. This leaves the average person with a predicament as they progress in their career: what should I do with my money? Where should I go to learn actionable personal financial strategies?

This course was written to answer those questions and fill that void. Bulletproof Money Management will show you how to construct a customized asset allocation model, and how specifically to integrate each asset class into your portfolio. The course will walk you through several screencasts to demonstrate this where necessary.

All of the concepts presented in this course are rooted in a fundamental understanding of money, economics, and current macroeconomic trends based upon years of independent research. These concepts are more than abstract theory, however; they are the strategies used by the instructor to build a sustainable asset portfolio and quit his job within five years time.

Keep in mind, there are no get-rich-quick schemes. This course is designed with proper risk management techniques in mind. The number one rule of money management is: don’t lose money. Remember – opportunities are endless, but capital is finite. As such, this course best suited for self-disciplined people with a long-term perspective.

Bulletproof Money Management is clear, concise, and to the point – you won’t find any hype or filler here.


  • How to construct and implement a personalized asset allocation model
  • How to effectively manage an asset allocation model using a customized spreadsheet
  • How to determine a proper cash allocation
  • How to acquire precious metals for home and overseas storage
  • How to acquire real estate with advantageous financing terms
  • How to build a stock portfolio utilizing expert risk management tools
  • How to analyze and acquire low-risk bonds at a discount to par
  • How to acquire, use, and store bitcoins using proper security practices

Customer feedback:

Kenneth M.: “This course provides a clear, direct, and concise path for managing your finances using the asset allocation strategy. I found it to be extremely insightful and practical!

Photis M.: “This is a very well presented course and it taught me a lot of new stuff even if I consider myself very well educated financially.

Chan K.: “This course helped me learn a lot about the things that I wanted to know about finance and investments. It was very well put together and very engaging.

Get This Course Now:

Do not take a backseat when it comes to your own finances. Learn everything you need to know to build a customized asset portfolio like the pro’s by enrolling in Bulletproof Money Management today! To add additional value to this course, the instructor is completely willing to answer any and all questions you may have as you go through the material.money management

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Awareness Rising

submitted by jwithrow.awareness

Journal of a Wayward Philosopher
Awareness Rising

September 25, 2015
Emerald Isle, NC

The S&P closed out Thursday at $1,932. Gold closed at $1,153 per ounce. Oil closed at $44.91 per barrel, and the 10-year Treasury rate closed at 2.14%. Bitcoin is trading around $236 per BTC today.

Dear Journal,

Little Maddie took her first unassisted steps this week. Your editor was quietly observing from the glider as she crawled around the back deck, carefully inspecting each nook and cranny in the wood. Suddenly, without warning, her little head popped up and she looked directly at me. There was a strange twinkle in her eyes that I had not seen before. It was almost as though she had just experienced a moment of infinite intelligence, but before I could reckon on it she stood up completely unassisted for the first time and took two steps before easing to her knees. She popped right back up and took three more steps before easing back down to her knees again. Then she looked up at me and laughed hysterically.

I had never before experienced the feeling of unbridled joy that overcame me in that moment.

Later, with Madison calmly napping, I had time to internalize the moment and bask in the joy. As I watched my little angel sleeping peacefully, a strange thought came to me.

If you are going to have highs, know you will also have lows. There are no ordinary moments.

I decided then to cherish every single moment with my little girl. Even when she wants me to read Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See to her for the thirteenth time. Even when she is screaming at me from the car seat because she is tired of being couped up. I will cherish it all.

Though I vow to cherish each moment of little Madison’s childhood, I am filled with hope and optimism for her future. I marvel at the opportunities that lay in front of her, and the rest of her generation. Generation Next is the first generation in centuries to arrive on this planet precisely as technological advancement is coalescing with a rising Awareness of human potential. Continue reading “Awareness Rising”

Asset Allocation

submitted by jwithrow.asset-allocation

Asset allocation is a necessary tool for saving money and building capital within a fiat monetary system. Within a fiat system, the purchasing power of your currency is gradually inflated away and the value of various asset classes can fluctuate rapidly based on central bank monetary policy. Thus, it is important to have a principled yet flexible asset allocation model in place.

The concept of asset allocation is to allot a percentage of your capital to various asset classes and to maintain each allocation ratio until you deem it necessary to adjust your model. For example, a basic asset allocation model could consist of 25% cash, 25% precious metals, 25% real estate, and 25% stocks. You would then allocate your income to each asset class accordingly.

The beauty of this strategy is that you cannot be wiped out by any wild swings in the market and you will always have cash on hand with which to purchase assets when they go on sale (when the market tanks). Of course you can always add additional asset classes into your model such as bonds or bitcoin or cattle depending upon your outlook and you may need to adjust your percentages based on new analysis from time to time as well.

The Infinite Banking insurance strategy that we talk so much about here at Zenconomics and in our book works perfectly to house much of your cash allocation. An IBC policy serves to compound returns on your cash while it sits idle waiting to be put to use without sacrificing any liquidity whatsoever.

As for your precious metals allocation, you can purchase gold and silver bullion from any local coin shop or from reputable dealers online or you can purchase through companies like Hard Assets Alliance which will facilitate fully allocated domestic or international storage for you.

Of course to follow an asset allocation model you will need to save a large percentage of your income. I think 50% is a good benchmark. 75% savings is preferred. Very few people have the discipline to pull this off but those who do never have to worry about financial problems again.

If maintaining such an asset allocation model for your household sounds extremely tedious and time-consuming that’s because it is. This is the price we must pay for living under a fiat monetary regime. In a sound monetary system we would be able to build capital simply by saving money in a bank account because our money would maintain its purchasing power over time. Instead, saving money in a bank account is a losing strategy so we are all forced to become financial analysts or have our wealth systematically transferred away from us.