Rethinking Wealth in the Age of Deception

Our financial world has dramatically shifted. America’s “exorbitant privilege” is fading…

Starting in 1944, the US was allowed to print money in exchange for real goods from other countries. And the only limit on this privilege was the dollar’s convertibility into gold.

Then, in 1971, President Nixon closed the gold exchange window. From that moment on, the US dollar became a floating abstraction based on one thing… People’s willingness to use it.

This is what French Premier Charles de Gaulle called America’s exorbitant privilege. Because the US dollar acts as the world’s reserve currency, only the United States could print money at scale to buy real goods from overseas.

That dynamic created what I call the Age of Paper Wealth.

From 1982 until 2022, there was one primary megatrend in the financial markets. Interest rates only went down… and stocks only went up.

Given this dazzling era of paper wealth, our views on financial security and wealth-building centered around the financial markets. That gave birth to the Retirement Myth—the idea that we should all pour our savings into stocks and funds to work up to our magical retirement “number”.

And sure, that approach to personal finance worked okay for a while. But everything changed when interest rates began their climb in 2022.

Now we have to ask – what if the primary megatrend has reversed? What if interest rates continue to trend higher? Will the standard approach still serve us?

To me, the Retirement Myth is a snaky notion. It preaches a life of labor with the promise of relaxation in its twilight. I look at that and I wonder – where’s the meaning? Where’s the purpose?

Then I have to ask—why wait for an uncertain future when you can achieve financial independence now?

And we do that by leveraging real assets that produce passive income for us. As the era of paper wealth fades away, real assets will become more and more important.

And here’s the thing – building passive income with real assets is simple. This is something anybody can do. It’s just that most of us aren’t aware that it’s even an option. Retirement Inc. crowded out all other alternatives.

That’s where our investment membership The Phoenician League comes in.

We’re not just another financial advisory club. We’re a beacon of financial independence with a focus on real assets.

At The Phoenician League, we connect our members to a robust network of financial professionals. These are people who are experts in their field. We also bring our members incredible investment opportunities designed to drive passive income from day one.

I see our membership as the best kept secret of the financial world. We haven’t done any marketing. And we’ve kept our doors closed to new members for the better part of the past twelve months. But that’s all about to change.

We are going to officially open up to the general public next month. The only downside is that we’ll have to raise our membership rates significantly to accommodate a larger group.

And that’s why I’m bringing this up to you today. We are going to give everyone on our wait list the opportunity to join The Phoenician League ahead of our public launch… before our membership rates rise.   

Are you ready to transition from ephemeral paper wealth to real assets and passive income? The Phoenician League holds the key. Join our waitlist today and in the coming weeks we’ll give you the opportunity to join us at the lowest price we’ll ever be able to offer.

And I promise, our current rate is insanely low. Our members recoup their entire membership fee within the first few months of implementing our passive income strategy.

So if you’re ready to unlock your path to financial independence, please join our wait list right here: The Phoenician League Membership Platform. We’ll be in touch very soon…

-Joe Withrow