We’ve been talking all things finance, investing, economics, and even moral philosophy this week – all snippets of a much longer discussion I had with Tain Nix on his Expat Phyles podcast.
That podcast is over an hour long though… and I know not everybody has that much time to spare. So I’d like to try something new today.
I’m experimenting with a video production platform that’s powered by artificial intelligence (AI). I used this platform to quickly condense our podcast discussion into a 5-minute segment of highlights. The AI decided which clips made the final cut. Here it is:

And as a reminder, you can access the full Expats Phyles podcast at the following links. See you again Monday afternoon!
Apple Podcast Link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/joe-withrow-a-world-class-libertarian-analyst-talks/id1686906959?i=1000617572575
YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZ7qwTXTd0Y
-Joe Withrow