We’re talking about investment themes for building consistent wealth this week.
We covered Bitcoin and gold last Thursday. And we discussed world-class insurance stocks yesterday. Today we have to talk about the master economic resource – energy.
Simply put, nothing happens without energy. Everything we see in our modern world today – and everything we use on a daily basis – is only possible because of energy.
It’s a simple thing. But if we truly ponder it, it changes our perspective.
My investment philosophy is this: I want to own energy in the most advantageous way I can. If we start there, all we need to do is figure out what form that energy should take.
Top-Tier Energy Stocks
The Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) movement would have us believe that we should own energy in the form of solar and windmills.
They told us that we’re rapidly moving towards a “carbon-neutral”, “net-zero emission” world. And in that world, we would reduce our dependance on fossil fuels—namely oil, natural gas, and coal.
Countless “clean energy” exchange traded funds (ETFs) popped up support this theme. ESG investing became a hot trend. And Larry Fink, CEO of investment management giant BlackRock, paraded around in media appearances proclaiming the gospel of ESG.
But then reality set in.
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