If you’ll permit me, I am trying something new here.
I am following up last Friday’s communication – my first journal entry in over three years – with a light-hearted piece of a different format.
I’ve been about as unplugged as one can be for the last five years. I would skim through the headlines on Zero Hedge… and I would update the plug-ins for Zenconomics.com, but that’s about it.
For all other extents and purposes, I have been disconnected from the world.
In fact, one of my crowning achievements came a year or so ago when my publishing network asked me to interview a gentleman they were considering hiring as an analyst.
After I agreed to do so, I guess they wanted to give this guy some background on me. Apparently, the common protocol for this is to send over LinkedIn profiles ahead of time.
I don’t think this way, but it makes sense. They figured this gentleman should have a basic picture of who he would be speaking with. And LinkedIn would provide that picture.
Except they couldn’t find me anywhere on LinkedIn. Or Facebook. Or any other mainstream social media platform.
So when I get on the call with this guy he gave me the full scoop. “Yeah, they said they were going to send me your LinkedIn info, but they couldn’t find it. They told me you must be pretty dark. I wasn’t sure what to make of that.”
I was so proud.
The joke’s on them though. Had they searched MeWe, they would have found me.
Continue reading “Hope For the Green Revolution”